Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm such a yo-yo

Hey ya’ll!

This has been a tough week for most of us I think! I’m right there with you. With Chris leaving – getting back into some sort of routine – and dealing with the overwhelming exhaustion of the last few weeks – then there’s the massive amounts of work that is piled high – and though I am continually plugging away at it all…it just keeps growing! Not to mention – the boys are going through some major Daddy withdraw – which means they need loads of extra attention….sigh! I’m so pooped I haven’t been able to even begin to motivate myself to find an exercise plan. I haven’t been eating very well either. Sometimes I wonder if attempting to live healthy will always be such a roller coaster ride. Will I always yo-yo back and forth? If past performance has anything to do with it…I’m in trouble! =)

I wish I could say that things are going to settle down soon and then I’ll have more time to commit – but this is actually the calm before the storm I think! I need another cookie and cup of coffee just thinking about it all! =)

Anyway, I am going to keep trying. Thankfully at this point, I am only up 1 pound. If I can get back on track now, it’ll definitely be to my body’s benefit…and my jeans benefit too! =)

Anyway, I know this blog was far from uplifting. However, I continue to encourage you to just keep on trying as well! I think there will always be times where we struggle to push through. Don’t beat yourself up for little indulgences – allow yourself to be human – smile – breathe – and laugh. The last three are key! =)

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Sorry I've been MIA for the last few weeks! Chris was home on R&R, so we were super busy trying to cram 10 months of missed time into 2 weeks. =) We had a wonderful time - and he sadly had to go back - but thankfully we're on the last half of this separation. I'm SO ready for it to just be OVER!

Anyway - I didn't adhere to any diet nor did I exercise while Chris was home. This means I gotta get back in the groove of some healthy eating and reattempt to find an exercise schedule! I'm dreading my weigh in tomorrow - and am just hoping that somehow...someway I didn't gain an uber amount of weight. We shall see!! =)

Anyway, I don't have too much to say tonight - I'm all tuckered out and am heading for bed. Just wanted to apologize for my disappearance the last 3 weeks and to say I'm back!

More later!