Thursday, June 4, 2009

Need a few more hours in the day...

I haven’t updated in awhile…life is always so busy! Anyway, I have two minutes to type this out, so bear with me.

The Goal: The goal started on May 18th and I hope to end it on June 18th with 150 miles travled on my elliptical. It’s probably a good thing I set the goal when I did because more nights than not – I haven’t wanted to exercise. But since I set the goal - I made myself do it hard!

This week I’ve been upping the resistance…which is making it a bit more challenging to get the mileage in – but so far I’m still on track for reaching the goal…so far! I’m just waiting for something to jump out of the corner and sidetrack me from reaching the goal.

As far as feeling more energetic and healthier…well, I kinda feel blah. I think my food patterns have something to do with that. I have to somehow figure out how to cook healthier…which is such a challenge. I have always struggled with fitting it ALL in. I can either cook healthy OR exercise…it's such a challenge to do both…since it seems to be able to do both would mean somehow adding a few extra hours in the day. This is definitely a work in progress….the cooking healthy thing…if I could add hours in the day, I would do that in a heartbeat too! =)

There is much more I could blog about, but I’ve already gone over my two minutes and if I don’t jump in the shower now, there won’t be another time today – so I’ll try to blog more later…!