Sunday, May 11, 2008

5th Weigh-in

Just a very quick update:

Here’s the tally on the rest of my exercise from this week:

Thursday: crunches, leg exercises and 2 mile walk
Friday: crunches and arms
Saturday and Sunday: took off for Mother’s Day weekend

I didn’t do good with the dieting aspect, but I was very happy with the exercise routine we’ve established. Like I've said in my previous posts, I’m taking baby steps...very small baby steps! =) hehehe!

Luke got a fever yesterday. =( So it doesn’t look like we’ll make it to the track today. I still need to make myself do my crunches and leg exercises. Maybe I can get in an exercise tape?

MeMe is here!!! It’s SOOOO wonderful! She’s on the weight watchers point program, so we’ll be making a menu for the next week’s meals off that. That should help with the dieting part of the plan this week.

Alright, I gotta run, but here the stats…not very pretty. =( Oh well!

Sunday, May 11th, 2008 - 145 lbs
Pounds Lost this week: 1
Pounds Lost to Date: 2

At this rate, I won’t make it to my goal until right before Chris get’s home!!! LOL!


Cherry said...

You're only suppose to loose 1 or 2 lbs. a week. Other wise it's not healthy. Keep going! I know you can do this! And when Chris gets home he'll think you're the HOTTEST woman on earth, no matter how much you weigh.

Barb said...

Good job, Min! You're doing awesome! What's the goal again?

I am wondering if I can tag along with you and Cherry and Kayla (two gals who I don't know but they seem motivated and quite nice) on the weight loss blogs. I'm not sure how I'd link in but if you're up for it, let me know and I'll figure it out.


Barb said...

Never been this fancy with the comments before. Trying new things and hopefully, I've done it correctly to get follow up comments to my email. We'll see...

Anonymous said...

Uh, yea! Barb should totally join us. I don't know Mindy, but I know Cherry, so I joined in. The more the merrier.

I've noticed it's a lot easier to eat healthier whenever someone else is around who is doing the same thing. I like to eat at my parent's house because since they are eating healthy, I feel like I have to eat healthy. I don't want them to break their diet because of me, I'd feel guilty. So you two should definitely motivate each other!

mindy said...

Yeah! You should totally join in! How fun!=) Let me know if you need any help setting it up. Yay I'm so excited!! =)

Cherry said...

Woo Hoo! #4! You should totally join us Barb. Mindy - look what you started.

Barb said...

I'm still working on getting my blog up and running but I hope it will be done tomorrow. Thanks for the welcome!

I'm having tea instead of hot chocolate for my after dinner drink. Baby steps. =)