Friday, May 11, 2012


Man, it sure is tough to keep any of my blogs updated! However, I had a brief moment so I thought I'd write a quick update. =)

Chris and I did pretty good at the Power 90 Boot Camp for the first 3-4 weeks. Then we went on vacation and haven't been able to get back into the habit of exercising again. Ugh. We are both ready to recommit to an exercise program, but I'm not sure we'll go right back to the Power 90 Boot Camp. I don't know if it's because this program is so repetitive or if I just don't like it - but my motivation to restart this program is VERY low. So, we have talked about doing a different workout program for now and then possibly revisiting the Power 90 Boot Camp at a later date.

Something I noticed in the first few weeks though is that I have to work hard to balance exercise with calorie intake while breast feeding.  If I don't take in enough calories I don't lose any weight at all (I guess my body is holding on to it because it knows it has to produce milk on a regular basis) - so I have to make sure I'm taking in enough calories and protein so I can still breastfeed AND lose weight at the same time.

My weight has been up and down since beginning this, but when I weighed in today I've lost a total of 6 pounds. This is so exciting!! I still have about 20 more to lose, but this is definitely a start! Now if I could just lose another 6-10 pounds over the next few months I might actually fit into my bigger summer clothes. There is nothing more defeating then standing in your closet and looking at all the clothes you can't wear.

Hopefully when I update again I'll be a little closer to my goal! 

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